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A Road Safety Workbook for Young Riders *In Stock (Now Out of Print)*
A Road Safety Workbook for Young Riders *In Stock (Now Out of Print)*
On average there is an equestrian accident on the roads every single hour of every single day. In
Price: AUD $18.95
RRP: AUD $24.95
A Sport Psychology Workbook for Riders *In Stock (Limited Availability)*
A Sport Psychology Workbook for Riders *In Stock (Limited Availability)*
A US expert in sport and performance psychology explains how effective two-way communication can be
Price: AUD $29.50
BHS COMPLETE MANUAL OF EQUITATION ~ (sent 2 -3 weeks from ordering)
BHS COMPLETE MANUAL OF EQUITATION ~ (sent 2 -3 weeks from ordering)
The BHS Complete Manual of Equitation is the official handbook for all those learning to ride and/or train horses and also for
Price: AUD $29.95
BHS Complete Training Manual Stage 3 *In Stock (low)*
BHS Complete Training Manual Stage 3 *In Stock (low)*
A revised and fully expanded edition of the BHS's very successful Training Manual for Stage 3. This guide, based on the latest
Price: AUD $26.50
RRP: AUD $32.95
Breathe Life Into Your Riding *In Stock*
Breathe Life Into Your Riding *In Stock*
Inspired by the connection that breathing techniques can bring, this follow-up to Ride From the Heart is written to empower trainers
Price: AUD $34.95
RRP: AUD $49.95
Centered Riding - *In Stock*
Centered Riding - *In Stock*
This book's publication 21 years ago caused a revolution in riding by demonstrating how good use..
Price: AUD $49.95
RRP: AUD $59.95
Coaching Skills For Riding Teachers *In Stock*
Coaching Skills For Riding Teachers *In Stock*
Advice for riding teachers (and trainee riding teachers) on how to enhance their teaching and
Price: AUD $29.95
Cobs Can! Workbook *In Stock*
Cobs Can! Workbook *In Stock*
Price: AUD $41.95
RRP: AUD $54.95
Complete Horsemanship Vol 3 *In Stock*
Complete Horsemanship Vol 3 *In Stock*
Price: AUD $37.95
RRP: AUD $49.95
Course Companion BHS Stage 1 *In Stock*
Course Companion BHS Stage 1 *In Stock*
"The Course Companion" covers the Horse Knowledge and Care elements of the BHS Stage I examination
Price: AUD $21.51
RRP: AUD $26.95
Course Companion BHS Stage I-II *In Stock*
Course Companion BHS Stage I-II *In Stock*
This study and revision aid covers the Horse Knowledge and Care elements of BHS stage examinations
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $26.95
Course Companion BHS Stages 3 & 4 *In Stock (low)*
Course Companion BHS Stages 3 & 4 *In Stock (low)*
The Course Companion covers the Horse Knowledge and Care elements of the BHS Stage examinations III
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $29.95
Dressage In Harmony: From Basic to Grand Prix *3 weeks from order*
Dressage In Harmony: From Basic to Grand Prix *3 weeks from order*
Possibly the clearest and most readable book on classical dressage training ever written. In easy
Price: AUD $45.00
RRP: AUD $54.95
Essential Study Guide to BHS Stage 1: Success in Stages *in Stock*
Essential Study Guide to BHS Stage 1: Success in Stages *in Stock*
This is the first volume in a series of course books for career students and exam candidates preparing for the Stage 1
Price: AUD $27.95
RRP: AUD $34.95
Essential Study Guide to BHS Stage 2: Success in Stages *In Stock (low)*
Essential Study Guide to BHS Stage 2: Success in Stages *In Stock (low)*
This is the second volume in a series of course books for career students and exam candidates preparing for
Price: AUD $31.96
RRP: AUD $39.95
Foolproof Jumping Exercises *In Stock (low) Now Out of Print*
Foolproof Jumping Exercises *In Stock (low) Now Out of Print*
Jumping exercises for every combination and size of horse and pony.
Price: AUD $36.00
RRP: AUD $45.00
Four Steps to Riding Success *In Stock (low)*
Four Steps to Riding Success *In Stock (low)*
Teaches riders to achieve rhythm, balance, suppleness and the round flexor frame in the horse.
Price: AUD $32.95
RRP: AUD $45.00
Getting Horses Fit *In Stock (low)*
Getting Horses Fit *In Stock (low)*
Every horse whether he is a competition animal or ridden purely for pleasure has to be fit for
Price: AUD $37.95
RRP: AUD $49.95
Hacking Out Safely: Safety Tips for Horse and Rider *In Stock*
Hacking Out Safely: Safety Tips for Horse and Rider *In Stock*
Everything you need to know when hacking out! When hacking out, horse and rider may be exposed to
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Horse Control- The Young Horse *In Stock*
Horse Control- The Young Horse *In Stock*
The Handling Breaking in and Early Schooling of Your Own Young Horse
Price: AUD $27.95
RRP: AUD $34.95
Horse Schools - 3rd edition *In Stock*
Horse Schools - 3rd edition *In Stock*
The International Guide to Universities Colleges Preparatory and Secondary Schools and Specialty Equine Programs
Price: AUD $19.95
How to Become a Judge *In Stock*
How to Become a Judge *In Stock*
In the past a panel of judges would principally be made up of titled people ex-military and even
Price: AUD $12.99
Jump Course Design Manual *In Stock (Now Out of Print)*
Jump Course Design Manual *In Stock (Now Out of Print)*
How to plan and set practice courses for schooling Hunter, Jumper and Equitation Riders.
Price: AUD $52.95
RRP: AUD $69.00
Kids Riding with Confidence *In Stock*
Kids Riding with Confidence *In Stock*
Fun Beginner Lessons to Build Trusting, Safe Partnerships with Horses.
Price: AUD $21.99
RRP: AUD $29.95
Kottas on Dressage *In Stock (low)*
Kottas on Dressage *In Stock (low)*
Practice and philosophy of one of the most highly regarded international trainers of the current era
Price: AUD $47.95
RRP: AUD $65.00
Manual of Horsemanship 14th ED *In Stock*
Manual of Horsemanship 14th ED *In Stock*
14th edition. Covers all aspects of horsemastership in a single volume.
Price: AUD $29.95
RRP: AUD $42.96
My Horse My Friend *In Stock* (low)
My Horse My Friend *In Stock* (low)
Through the charming story of Maria and her budding relationship with her Arabian gelding Joram, this handbook - beautifully illustrated with stunning
Price: AUD $18.95
RRP: AUD $24.95
My Horse Rears *In Stock (low) Limited Availability*
My Horse Rears *In Stock (low) Limited Availability*
A fresh look at undesirable behaviour in horses - both ridden and when handling on the ground
Price: AUD $27.95
RRP: AUD $36.95
Novice Rider's Companion *In Stock (Now Out of Print)*
Novice Rider's Companion *In Stock (Now Out of Print)*
With clear and precise illustrations The Novice Rider's Companion explains riding techniques and
Price: AUD $29.95
Rick Lamb's Horse Smarts for the Busy Rider *In Stock (low) Limited Availability*
Rick Lamb's Horse Smarts for the Busy Rider *In Stock (low) Limited Availability*
The Horse Show Minute is a widely syndicated weekday radio feature popular with horse lovers of
Price: AUD $23.95
Ride from the Heart *In Stock*
Ride from the Heart *In Stock*
The Art of Communication Between Horse and Rider. New 2014 edition.
Price: AUD $40.00
RRP: AUD $55.00
Ride Horses with Awareness and Feel *In Stock (Now Out of Print)*
Ride Horses with Awareness and Feel *In Stock (Now Out of Print)*
This training method from some of the world's finest equestrians teaches that riding is an activity
Price: AUD $33.95
RRP: AUD $45.00
Riding for Kids
Riding for Kids
Stablecare, Equipement, Tack, Clothing, Lungeing, Lessons, Jumping, & Showing!
Price: AUD $17.00
RRP: AUD $22.99
Riding Free (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
Riding Free (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
With scientific research to prove their point, trainers Andrea and Markus Eschbach show readers how they can train and ride horses in a way that is safe
Price: AUD $31.96
RRP: AUD $36.95
Riding on the Autism Spectrum *In Stock*
Riding on the Autism Spectrum *In Stock*
Taking on a group of developmental disorders whose prevalence rate is increasing each year, the ideas in this book
Price: AUD $14.99
Ringcraft *In Stock*
Ringcraft *In Stock*
The basis of ringcraft is to ensure that you give your pony the best possible chance of success
Price: AUD $12.99
Selecting the Dressage Horse *In Stock (low) Now Out of Print*
Selecting the Dressage Horse *In Stock (low) Now Out of Print*
A complete description of the ideal dressage horse and what it takes in conformation movment and
Price: AUD $33.95
Show Ring Style *In Stock*
Show Ring Style *In Stock*
Much of the art of successful showing lies in presenting an attractive picture to the judge
Price: AUD $5.01
Student Workbook for BHS Stage Two *In Stock*
Student Workbook for BHS Stage Two *In Stock*
These workbooks have been prepared by a BHS examiner as revision aids for students who are about to
Price: AUD $17.95
RRP: AUD $23.95
Teaching Riding as a Career *In Stock (low)*
Teaching Riding as a Career *In Stock (low)*
Have you got what it takes to make a successful career from teaching riding? Would you like to know how to make yourself indispensable to your clients?
Price: AUD $28.95
The BHS First Pony Manual *In Stock (low)*
The BHS First Pony Manual *In Stock (low)*
A Guide for Parents and First Time Owners.
Price: AUD $26.95
RRP: AUD $34.95
The BHS Manual for Coaching and Teaching Riding *In Stock (low)*
The BHS Manual for Coaching and Teaching Riding *In Stock (low)*
The official British Horse Society handbook, updated and revised by Margaret Linington-Payne.
Price: AUD $31.95
RRP: AUD $39.95
The Horse Box *In Stock*
The Horse Box *In Stock*
Breeds, Riding, Saddlery & Care. Four expert guides to horses and horse riding.
Price: AUD $39.95
RRP: AUD $49.95
The Horse Seeks Me (It's Not I who Seek the Horse) *In Stock*
The Horse Seeks Me (It's Not I who Seek the Horse) *In Stock*
My Path to an Understanding of Equine Body Language
Price: AUD $49.95
RRP: AUD $89.95
The Power of Coaching *In Stock*
The Power of Coaching *In Stock*
Price: AUD $29.95
RRP: AUD $42.96
The Stressed Horse *In Stock (low)*
The Stressed Horse *In Stock (low)*
Did you know that with just a little bit of attention to detail you could eliminate many of the factors that cause your horse stress? In order to do this you must first
Price: AUD $24.95
RRP: AUD $49.95
The Structured Schooling of Horses: Foundations for Success *In Stock*
The Structured Schooling of Horses: Foundations for Success *In Stock*
This book sets out a scheme of basic training for horse and rider: the author (who is a
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $17.00
Training and Riding with Cones and Poles (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
Training and Riding with Cones and Poles (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
Engaging exercises to improve your horse's focus & response to the aids, while sharpening your timing & accuracy.
Price: AUD $31.95
RRP: AUD $41.95
Where Does My Horse Hurt? *In Stock (low)*
Where Does My Horse Hurt? *In Stock (low)*
Tucker teaches you how to diagnose your horses discomfort by providing a complete body evaluation with step-by-step color photographs
Price: AUD $37.95
RRP: AUD $52.95
Balance in Movement - The Seat of the Rider (DVD) *In Stock*
Balance in Movement - The Seat of the Rider (DVD) *In Stock*
This companion DVD shows how to develop unity with your horse why and where problems and faults
Price: AUD $34.95