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It's sale time! Time to snap up a bargain or two... or three!!

5 Horse Types *In Stock*
5 Horse Types *In Stock*
Price: AUD $25.00
RRP: AUD $39.95
All About Poisonous Plants *In Stock (low)*
All About Poisonous Plants *In Stock (low)*
All equines are at risk from plant poisoning and many suffer avoidable illness or even death ever
Price: AUD $5.01
Beds and Bedding: TPG 09 *In Stock (low)*
Beds and Bedding: TPG 09 *In Stock (low)*
A guide to the materials used for horses bedding with simple instructions on how to create and
Price: AUD $5.01
Beware Poison! A Horse-owner's Guide to Harmful and Indigestible Plants: *In Stock Limited Availability*
Beware Poison! A Horse-owner's Guide to Harmful and Indigestible Plants: *In Stock Limited Availability*
Poisoning, due to carelessness or wrong feeding, can happen. The effects are traumatic and sometimes
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Chi Gung For Horsemen (DVD) *In Stock*
Chi Gung For Horsemen (DVD) *In Stock*
Chi Gung for Horsemen is a set of simple and yet profound
Price: AUD $15.00
Collective Remarks *In Stock*
Collective Remarks *In Stock*
A Journey through the American Dressage Evolution: Where It’s Been, Where We Are, and Where We Need to Be.
Price: AUD $23.95
RRP: AUD $46.95
Competition Style: APG 45 *In Stock*
Competition Style: APG 45 *In Stock*
The rules, regulations and traditions of correct clothing for the equestrian disciplines are a
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Course Companion BHS Stage 2 *In Stock*
Course Companion BHS Stage 2 *In Stock*
"The Course Companion" covers the horse care and knowledge elements of the BHS Stage Two examination
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $29.95
Course Companion BHS Stage I-II *In Stock*
Course Companion BHS Stage I-II *In Stock*
This study and revision aid covers the Horse Knowledge and Care elements of BHS stage examinations
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $26.95
Course Companion BHS Stages 3 & 4 *In Stock (low)*
Course Companion BHS Stages 3 & 4 *In Stock (low)*
The Course Companion covers the Horse Knowledge and Care elements of the BHS Stage examinations III
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $29.95
Dictionary for Carriage Driving *In Stock*
Dictionary for Carriage Driving *In Stock*
This comprehensive encyclopaedia encompasses the most important expressions of carriage driving
Price: AUD $20.00
RRP: AUD $69.99
Distant Skies: An American Journey on Horseback *In Stock*
Distant Skies: An American Journey on Horseback *In Stock*
An American Journey on Horseback
Price: AUD $20.00
RRP: AUD $45.00
Do You Speak Equis? *In Stock*
Do You Speak Equis? *In Stock*
Price: AUD $20.00
RRP: AUD $54.95
Fell Pony *In Stock*
Fell Pony *In Stock*
The "Fell Pony" examines the history of the breed from Roman times when the stamp of the pony we now
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Hacking Out Safely: Safety Tips for Horse and Rider *In Stock*
Hacking Out Safely: Safety Tips for Horse and Rider *In Stock*
Everything you need to know when hacking out! When hacking out, horse and rider may be exposed to
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Horse Grooming Manual *In Stock*
Horse Grooming Manual *In Stock*
Price: AUD $29.00
RRP: AUD $49.95
Horse Schools - 3rd edition *In Stock*
Horse Schools - 3rd edition *In Stock*
The International Guide to Universities Colleges Preparatory and Secondary Schools and Specialty Equine Programs
Price: AUD $19.95
Insect Protection for Horses *In Stock*
Insect Protection for Horses *In Stock*
For horses, the joy of summer can be overshadowed by the huge amount of insects which plague them
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Knowing Horses
Knowing Horses
Price: AUD $14.95
RRP: AUD $24.99
My Fat Horse!: How to Help Your Horse Lose Weight *In Stock*
My Fat Horse!: How to Help Your Horse Lose Weight *In Stock*
Overweight horses are no rarity nowadays. Ponies and native breeds are often too heavy and are prone
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $24.99
My Riding Days Return: A Guidebook to Taking Up the Reins Again *In Stock*
My Riding Days Return: A Guidebook to Taking Up the Reins Again *In Stock*
A practical guide for returning riders ready to revisit their favorite childhood activity
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $37.95
Native British Spotted Pony *In Stock*
Native British Spotted Pony *In Stock*
The Native British Spotted Pony with its exotic coat pattern has survived in this country for
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Noble Dignified Beautiful: The Quiet Elegance of the Horse *In Stock*
Noble Dignified Beautiful: The Quiet Elegance of the Horse *In Stock*
Stephen Rasche-Hilpert draws our attention to the majesty of the horse and shows it, characterised by sincere respect and love, in a light that emphatically rereveals its beauty and dignity.
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $24.99
Quiet Word with Your Horse: Learning by Reward - The Key to Motivation and Trust *In Stock*
Quiet Word with Your Horse: Learning by Reward - The Key to Motivation and Trust *In Stock*
Explains the mechanisms of reward learning in a practical way, based on the findings of modern equine learning psychology.
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $37.95
Jane Savoie shows how "riding in your mind's eye" will help you reach your personal best. She reveals the secret that elite athletes have known for years
Price: AUD $19.95
Rugs and Rollers: TPG 05 *In Stock*
Rugs and Rollers: TPG 05 *In Stock*
An up-to-date guide to rug types and their uses with advice on rollers surcingles and fastening
Price: AUD $5.01
Selling a Horse *In Stock*
Selling a Horse *In Stock*
Selling a horse is often a difficult and tenuous exercise, especially if the horse has problems
Price: AUD $5.01
Show Ring Style *In Stock*
Show Ring Style *In Stock*
Much of the art of successful showing lies in presenting an attractive picture to the judge
Price: AUD $5.01
Solving Cross Country Problems: TPG 31 *In Stock (low)*
Solving Cross Country Problems: TPG 31 *In Stock (low)*
Provides guidance on how horse and rider can avoid problems with the various fences found on a
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Stallions Care and Management: A Complete Guide to Safer Management *In Stock*
Stallions Care and Management: A Complete Guide to Safer Management *In Stock*
A complete guide to safer care and management of stallions.
Price: AUD $5.00
RRP: AUD $37.95
Starting Endurance Riding: TPG 41 *In Stock*
Starting Endurance Riding: TPG 41 *In Stock*
This guide contains information for anyone thinking of trying endurance riding. It discusses: whether
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Starting Out in Eventing: An Introduction to Having Fun Cross-country *In Stock*
Starting Out in Eventing: An Introduction to Having Fun Cross-country *In Stock*
More and more riders are drawn into eventing by the excitement of galloping over solid fences on a
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $37.95
The Appaloosa *In Stock (low)*
The Appaloosa *In Stock (low)*
Not only does the Appaloosa encapsulate color and beauty, but also it is a truly versatile breed
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
The Horse Seeks Me (It's Not I who Seek the Horse) *In Stock*
The Horse Seeks Me (It's Not I who Seek the Horse) *In Stock*
My Path to an Understanding of Equine Body Language
Price: AUD $49.95
RRP: AUD $89.95
The Stressed Horse *In Stock (low)*
The Stressed Horse *In Stock (low)*
Did you know that with just a little bit of attention to detail you could eliminate many of the factors that cause your horse stress? In order to do this you must first
Price: AUD $24.95
RRP: AUD $49.95
The Structured Schooling of Horses: Foundations for Success *In Stock*
The Structured Schooling of Horses: Foundations for Success *In Stock*
This book sets out a scheme of basic training for horse and rider: the author (who is a
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $17.00
The Ultimate Guide for Horses in Need *In Stock*
The Ultimate Guide for Horses in Need *In Stock*
Care, Training, and Rehabilitation for Rescues, Adoptions, and Horses in Transition
Price: AUD $29.95
RRP: AUD $65.00
Thinking Rider: Unlock Your Peak Performance *In Stock*
Thinking Rider: Unlock Your Peak Performance *In Stock*
"To think that the rise and fall of athlete performance on a given day can be explained by random
Price: AUD $10.00
RRP: AUD $36.95
Training Aids *In Stock (low)*Limited Availability*
Training Aids *In Stock (low)*Limited Availability*
A one-stop guide to training aids outlines when they are useful and why they are an aid to training
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Internationally renowned jumper rider and trainer Elmar Pollmann-Schweckhorst reminds us of the
Price: AUD $15.00
RRP: AUD $49.95
Vaccination and Worming of Horses: What You Need to Know *In Stock*
Vaccination and Worming of Horses: What You Need to Know *In Stock*
Regular vaccination and worming programmes are of the utmost importance to your horse's health and
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $14.99
Crown Prince Challenged (Brookmeade #2) *In Stock*
Crown Prince Challenged (Brookmeade #2) *In Stock*
Brookmeade Young Riders Series, Book #2
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $16.95
Saddlery (Old Edition) *In Stock*
Saddlery (Old Edition) *In Stock*
A clear and incredibly comprehensive guide to saddlery, equipment, and horse clothing that guides the horse owner through the enormous variety of horse accoutrements.
Price: AUD $5.01
RRP: AUD $27.95