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Beginners Guide to Horsemanship (DVD) *In Stock*

Beginners Guide to Horsemanship (DVD) *In Stock*

ISBN: XX01000079

Author: Terry Dingle and Helen Dingle

Format: DVD

Price: AUD $14.99
RRP: AUD $29.95

Wanting to learn how to ride and care for a horse but don't know where to start?

We've got you covered...

In this dvd Terry and Helen Dingle, along with their 2 young daughters cover the basics of horsemanship, teaching you everything from how to put a bridle and saddle on correctly, to mounting and dismounting, grooming, rugging, lunging, riding, trouble shooting and fun games, this DVD has it all! No matter what your age, the basics are the same and there is something in this dvd for everyone.


Book Title: Beginners Guide to Horsemanship (DVD) *In Stock*
ISBN: XX01000079
Author: Terry Dingle and Helen Dingle
Publisher: Dingle Horsemanship
Format: DVD
Author Notes: Terry and Helen have been around horses their whole lives, both were raised in rural areas and were riding from around the age of 3 years old. Their love of horses grew over the years.

At the age of 15 Terry broke in his first horse and has now broken in well over 60 horses for himself and for private studs. From a young man Terry has worked on cattle stations in Central and North Queensland. Terry has a very down to earth approach with his horses, gaining trust and respect.

From a young age Helen was working every weekend at the local trail riding centre, helping to take care of the horses, saddling them up and taking out trail rides with groups of people that quite often had never ridden a horse before. Helen went to the Northern Territory and North Queensland where she jillarooed on large cattle stations. She then worked for a horse trainer in the South Burnett region and then she headed off to Texas, America to work for a reining trainer, breaking in futurity prospects.

Terry and Helen met in North Queensland while working on cattle stations and found they had the same ideas and approach to their horsemanship techniques.
Condition: New

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