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Stories from the Saddle (Australian Title) *In Stock (low)*

Stories from the Saddle (Australian Title) *In Stock (low)*

ISBN: 9780733329722

Author: Samantha Miles

Publisher: ABC Books

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $28.95

Like all sport, equestrian has its highs and lows, its wins and losses, its achievements and disappointments.  But, as author and long time rider Samantha Miles notes, it has one factor which sets it apart - the horse. Sometimes partner, sometimes opponent, the horse's mindset presents major challenges for even veteran riders.  Imagine Lance Armstrong trying to win the Tour de France on a bike that suddenly developed a mind of its own, and you come close to the situation that riders face on a daily basis. 


In this entertaining and informative book, Samantha Miles delves behind the stories of Australia's leading legendary equestrian riders in dressage, show jumping and events, drawing out their most memorable and intense experiences- the good, the bad and the times when they just plain embarrassed themselves.  This behind-the-scenes look at what it took for each rider to achieve their goals is an insight not only for people interested in horses but for anybody who has taken up an endeavour with passion, overcome obstacles and dreamed of being the best.

Book Title: Stories from the Saddle (Australian Title) *In Stock (low)*
ISBN: 9780733329722
Author: Samantha Miles
Publisher: ABC Books
Format: Paperback
Author Notes: Samantha Miles is a freelance writer and works as a book editor by trade. She is the author of At Least It's Not Contagious, the story of her battle with leukaemia when she was 19, as well as numerous articles published in journals and newspapers including the Sydney Morning Herald's Good Weekend Magazine. Samantha lives on a five-acre property in North West Sydney where she owns three horses, two dogs and one very patient husband. Samantha has a vision for promoting all equestrian sports through the telling of great stories. If you are interested in having your story told, or working with Samantha to shape and polish your story, please don't hesitate to contact her below or at the Stories From the Saddle Facebook page.
Number of Pages: 232
Condition: New

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