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The Building Blocks of Training: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Gymnastic Development of the Equine Athlete

The Building Blocks of Training: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Gymnastic Development of the Equine Athlete

ISBN: 9781908809766

Author: Debby Lush

Publisher: J A Allen

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $44.95
RRP: AUD $59.95

To develop a harmonious partnership with your horse, whether you have ambitions in the competition arena or not, you need to develop a two-way communication system that is clear to both of you. In this new paperback edition of The Building Blocks of Training, Debby Lush, international dressage rider and senior instructor at the Training the Teachers of Tomorrow Trust, offers practical assistance in developing such a system, a progressive and logical one that is firmly rooted in classical training. The ultimate aim is to enhance the horse's mental and physical capabilities and so allow him to move easily and happily forward from the earliest simple steps to the more complicated efforts required further up the competition ladder. With step-by-step guides to every aspect of schooling from lungeing to lengthening (touching on the foundations to move on to the more advanced movements), and with troubleshooting sections to identify why things are going wrong and how to solve them, this book will be invaluable to countless horse and rider partnerships.

Book Title: The Building Blocks of Training: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Gymnastic Development of the Equine Athlete
ISBN: 9781908809766
Author: Debby Lush
Publisher: J A Allen
Format: Paperback
Author Notes: Debby Lush has been a long-term student of the former First Chief Rider of the Spanish Riding School of Vienna, Herr Arthur Kottas-Heldenberg, and of Charles de Kunffy, well known clinician and author of many books. She has also learnt from Stephen Clarke, Olympic Judge at Athens 2004. Debby is a List 2A British Dressage judge, a registered British Dressage trainer, a BHS instructor and a senior instructor at the Training the Teachers of Tomorrow Trust.
Number of Pages: 274

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