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Dressage Q & A With Janet Foy *In Stock*

Dressage Q & A With Janet Foy *In Stock*

ISBN: 9781570766749

Author: Janet Foy

Publisher: Trafalgar Square

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $32.95
RRP: AUD $42.95

USEF "S" and FEI 4* Dressage Judge Janet Foy issued an invitation to the dressage population: “Ask me your toughest dressage questions; ask me about the things about riding, training, and competing that you just don’t understand; or, just ask me the questions you’re always afraid to ask because you don’t want to look like you don’t know what you’re doing!” The result was an outpouring of queries, from riders at every level, and from both those who just ride for fun as well as those who show.

Foy has earned a dedicated following over many years teaching popular clinics alongside US Olympians Steffen Peters and Debbie McDonald, and her vast knowledge of the sport of dressage and trademark sense of humor propelled her first book Dressage for the Not-So-Perfect Horse to bestseller status. Now, for her eagerly awaited follow-up, she’s responded to the hundreds of dressage questions she’s received in an easy-to-engage-with Q-and-A format. Readers find no-nonsense answers to everything from understanding how horses learn the movements to really “getting” the importance of the outside rein to gaining coordination and achieving “throughness.” As always, Foy’s enthusiasm emanates from her words, and her drive to provide solid understanding is underscored by her insistence that riding dressage is, above all, fun.


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Book Title: Dressage Q & A With Janet Foy *In Stock*
ISBN: 9781570766749
Author: Janet Foy
Publisher: Trafalgar Square
Format: Paperback
Author Notes: Janet Foy’s interest in dressage started when she lived in Oxford, England, and she passed several British Horse Society Instructor Exams. She is currently an FEI4* judge, USEF S Dressage Judge, and USEF Sporthorse R Breeding Judge. She has judged at all major shows in the United States, as well as national championships and CDI***/W in Guatemala, England, Colombia, Costa Rica, Barbados, Canada, Poland, Australia, and Mexico, and the FEI World Cup League Finals for the United States, Canada, and Australia. Janet is a former member of the USDF Executive Board and the USA Equestrian Board of Directors, and a current member of the Federation Dressage Committee and the International High Performance Dressage Committee. She is also on the USDF L Faculty and instructs federation judges training programs throughout the United States for dressage and sport horse breeding.
Number of Pages: 152
Condition: New

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