Cherry Hill, the best-selling author of "Horsekeeping on A Small Acreage", the classic book that has guided thousands of horse owners in establishing farms, now shares her expertise in an important, related topic: equipping the horse farm. Hill provides in-depth information on every aspect of selecting, maintaining, and using the two most essential pieces of equipment - tractors and horse trailers. Accompanied by photographs and illustrations, she guides the reader through an evaluation of the options available in tractors, from horsepower and transmission options to tires and appearance. A checklist is included detailing what to look for if considering a used tractor. On trailers, readers will find the answers to all their questions, beginning with the kind of trucks and hook-up required for towing various capacity trailers to selecting the appropriate truck hitch. "Equipping Your Horse Farm" is an authoritative, comprehensive handbook that every horse farmer will want to consult before investing in these critical items of farm equipment.