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Breaking a Horse to Harness: A Step-By-Step Guide (New Edition) *In Stock*

Breaking a Horse to Harness: A Step-By-Step Guide (New Edition) *In Stock*

ISBN: 9781908809995

Author: Sallie Walrond

Publisher: Crowood Press

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $37.95
RRP: AUD $49.95

In this completely revised, enlarged and updated edition of Sallie Walrond's classic work, a new series of step-by-step colour photographs, taken especially for the book by talented equestrian photographer Anthony Reynolds, takes the reader through basic lungeing and bitting techniques, shows the correct way to introduce both harness and vehicle and demonstrates by means of the author's own tried and tested methods the way to produce an animal who will go willingly and happily in harness. Safety is a priority at every stage and training for road work is included. The author's lucid, easy-to-follow text provides all the necessary information to enable any averagely competent rider to train a horse to go in harness with success whether the animal concerned is an unbroken two year old or an outgrown family pony. New edition in paperback for 2022.

Book Title: Breaking a Horse to Harness: A Step-By-Step Guide (New Edition) *In Stock*
ISBN: 9781908809995
Author: Sallie Walrond
Publisher: Crowood Press
Format: Paperback
Author Notes: Sallie Walrond's reputation as a driving expert is renowned all over the world. She has ridden and driven since she was nine years old. She is council member, judge, instructor, examiner and area commissioner for the British Driving Society. She teaches, lectures and judges internationally and has shown harness horses with success for many years.
Number of Pages: 144

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