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No Bored Horses: Essential Enrichment for Happy Equines *in stock

No Bored Horses: Essential Enrichment for Happy Equines *in stock

ISBN: 9781646012091

Author: Amanda Goble

Publisher: Trafalgar Square

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $47.95
RRP: AUD $59.95

A groundbreaking book by an animal enrichment specialist, the first on the subject showing exactly what's missing from the modern horse's life: enrichment and boredom-relief.


Today horses are thought of as family members, athletic partners, and patient teachers and therapists. Most of us do our very best to give them all the benefits that contemporary domestic life can offer: comfortable stalls; carefully prepared and regular meals with vitamins and supplements; top-notch veterinary and hoof care; even regular bodywork.


So why do so many horses struggle with health, behavioral, and training problems?


In her groundbreaking book, the first on the subject written specifically with horses in mind, animal enrichment specialist and zookeeper Amanda Goble shows readers exactly what's missing from the modern horse's life: enrichment and boredom-relief. By giving equines back the crucial natural behaviors, stimulation, and enriching experiences they crave, we can truly change their lives—and ours as their riders, trainers, and caregivers—for the better.

Far more than a simple list of toys you can buy, No Bored Horses explains why unique equine behaviors matter to horses, and how today's style of equine care can actually make it impossible for horses to behave like horses, resulting in vices and behaviors that are in essence a cry for help. Goble believes that equestrians can benefit from what zookeepers like her already know: enrichment is more than just fun and games for animals-it is essential for their mental and physical health. The companion animal world has already embraced forms of enrichment as a powerful tool for reducing behavior problems and improving pet-owner relationships. But the equestrian world has lagged behind, without resources or information on how to give their horses the same level of love and care.


Until now.


Leveraging her passion for horses and animal behavior with a zoo professional's knowledge of enrichment techniques, and coupling them with a strong background in education and the creative space, Goble breaks complicated topics into accessible, punchy bites of content that make sense. And as a lifelong horse owner, she can help us overcome challenges from the ground up—because she's been (and maybe still is) in our shoes.

Chock full of fantastically engaging original illustrations, diagrams, and charts, plus color photographs and instructions for more than 30 toys, puzzles, and experiences attainable for all equestrians, regardless of level of experience or size of budget, Goble's book promises every horseperson can afford to make her recommended changes and ultimately improve a horse's life. Plus, alongside plenty of inspiration for everyday fun, readers will also find valuable advice for the most challenging situations, like extended stall rest and quarantine.

No Bored Horses is for every desperate equestrian whose horse is going stir-crazy, and for the owner of the horse with behavioral problems that she just can't seem to fix. And it is for every one of us whose aim is to give our horses the experiences and opportunities that create true well-being in our company.

Trailer courtesy of Horse & Rider Books

Book Title: No Bored Horses: Essential Enrichment for Happy Equines *in stock
ISBN: 9781646012091
Author: Amanda Goble
Publisher: Trafalgar Square
Format: Paperback
Author Notes: Amanda Goble received a BS in Wildlife Biology from Lees-McRae College and holds IATCB certification as a Certified Professional Animal Trainer (CPAT-KA) and Certified Professional Bird Trainer (CPBT-KA). As a zookeeper, she specialized in animal behavior and welfare. An accomplished animal trainer, Goble has a love for the science of behavioral enrichment, and has cared for and enriched the lives of animals of many species, from eagles to ants, while working in public zoological facilities and wildlife rescues. Using positive reinforcement and force-free techniques, she has taught animals how to both “wow” audiences and participate in their own veterinary care. She uses creative animal enrichment to improve general well-being and resolve behavioral challenges. As a lifelong horse lover and owner, Goble believes that horses thrive when we meet their needs for behavior, as well as food, water, and shelter, and using the knowledge she has gained as an Animal Enrichment and Training Specialist, she launched Enriching Equines, a blog and social media presence dedicated to enrichment for horses ( In her spare time, she creates infographics for the zoo and aquarium community on topics such as mental health, team building, and autism acceptance. Currently, Goble is also a Bear Team Manager at Animals Asia's Chengdu Bear Rescue Center in Sichuan, China, coordinating the day-to-day care and enrichment for more than 100 bears rescued from bile farms.
Number of Pages: 232

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