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Arena Tracks: A Rider, Trainer, and Instructor Reference for Dressage, Jumping, and Cavalletti Exercises *In Stock*

Arena Tracks: A Rider, Trainer, and Instructor Reference for Dressage, Jumping, and Cavalletti Exercises *In Stock*

ISBN: 9781646011179

Author: Christian Baier

Publisher: Trafalgar Square

Format: Hardcover

Price: AUD $42.95
RRP: AUD $56.95

The only complete reference explaining classical arena tracks and how to use them.


Rider and trainer Christian Baier has been educated in horses and equitation all over the world. In his work to develop an international rider and trainer education and certification system, he realized the equestrian lexicon lacked a practical reference that brought all the classical “arena tracks”—patterns and figures used in training the horse in a schooling area—together in a simple way that is easy to understand. The arena tracks guide the rider in how to safely work the horse within a specific space in an organized way. They are also an integral tool in the conscientious trainer's development of the horse's body and conditioning. For the instructor, arena tracks are an important tool for communicating with the student.

 Ultimately, these classical tracks are at the foundation of everything we do in an arena with a horse, from the beginner rider just off the longe line, learning basic navigation around the ring, to the most experienced rider working a horse at the highest level of international competition. Even jumping courses consist of a combination (or variation) of arena tracks strung together from start to finish marker!

In these pages readers not only find handy quick-reference sections on the correct arena tracks for training and riding, but also a unique collection of over 50 select exercises for using them in the development of a sport horse on the flat and over fences. Putting the arena tracks into practice is the basis for correct systematic training and education in both dressage and jumping. Baier shows the reader exactly how, with distinct sections devoted to clear illustrations of where to go and fundamental explanations for what to do. Progression in ability and understanding of both horse and rider is the goal, with tracks featured from simple to most complex, and the sections dedicated to cavalletti and jumping moving from the very first time riding over a pole to advanced exercises and courses at a very high level.

The exercises shared in this book, used in combination with a working knowledge and understanding of the classical arena tracks, can lead to huge leaps in the growth and advancement of horse and rider—sometimes even after years of feeling “stuck.” Arena Tracks is a fabulous reference for all riders to keep in the barn and for any instructor dedicated to teaching the classical art of riding, as well as being a much-needed learning tool for equestrian federations, associations, and schools worldwide.

Trailer courtesy of Horse & Rider Books

Book Title: Arena Tracks: A Rider, Trainer, and Instructor Reference for Dressage, Jumping, and Cavalletti Exercises *In Stock*
ISBN: 9781646011179
Author: Christian Baier
Publisher: Trafalgar Square
Format: Hardcover
Author Notes: Christian Baier is German but was born and grew up in Sweden. He attended the University of Agriculture in Flyinge and Stromsholm where he earned a diploma in Equine Studies under the tutelage of such dressage masters as Kyra Kyrklund, Bo Jena, and EvaKarin Oscarsson; show jumping greats Peter Eriksson, Jens Fredricson, and Sylve Soderstrand; and showing in-hand specialist William McDonald. He completed course design programs in both Sweden and Germany and is now a Diplomaed Riding Instructor SvRf and Internationally Certified Level III Instructor. He teaches in Europe, the United States, and is currently developing educational structures in Asia.
Baier trains horses up to Grand Prix jumping and incorporates advanced-level dressage movements as a natural part of all his work with horses. He has rehabilitated hundreds of horses with physical issues stemming from poor handling or training and has helped redevelop confidence in hundreds of students who have been over-faced or discouraged through negative training or physically injured in riding accidents. He has a passion for science and solving problems. Baier likens his work to “connecting the dots”— through continuing education and bringing various fields of science together, he enjoys “seeing the whole picture.” Well equipped with curiosity, he is always discovering new areas of interest that positively impact both his techniques of teaching and his passion for passing knowledge on to others.
In 2013, Baier and his wife McKrell co-founded the Urban Equestrian Program of Memphis, Tennessee, to introduce children who might not otherwise have the opportunity to spend time with animals to handling and caring for horses in a professional, rural setting. They now operate The Helen Gurley Brown Foundation funded program BridgeUP Giddy Up to further these efforts. Together they operate Southern Blues Equestrian Center, an educational facility in Tennessee while continuously improving and expanding their Global Equestrian educational curriculum (
Number of Pages: 192

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