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Uta Graf's Effortless Dressage Program *In Stock*

Uta Graf's Effortless Dressage Program *In Stock*

ISBN: 9781570767722

Author: Uta Graf

Publisher: Trafalgar Square

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $39.95
RRP: AUD $54.95

Top international dressage rider Uta Gräf has made a name for herself as a trailblazer in the competitive dressage world as she strives to combine the highest levels of performance with natural horse care in observance of the needs of the equine body and mind. Her new book outlines her training theories and methods, demonstrating that horses can and will respond as desired when managed and schooled through the levels in a relaxed and generous manner. Acknowledging the individuality of each horse and including specific problems and solutions, Graf provides a hands-on guide to following competitive ambition in the dressage ring while keeping what’s best for the horse in mind. The key, above all, is keeping tension and rushing and anxiety at bay; with Graf’s guarantee that her system will keep horse and rider “worry-free,” it seems at last dressage has a sensible means of reconciling classical idealism with show-ring aspirations.

Book Title: Uta Graf's Effortless Dressage Program *In Stock*
ISBN: 9781570767722
Author: Uta Graf
Publisher: Trafalgar Square
Format: Paperback
Author Notes: Uta never sat on a horse before she was twelve years old, but she had such aptitude that she found at age 24 she was about to make her passion into a profession. Uta completed her study with renowned Dutch Olympic medalist Ellen Bontje and German coach Conrad Schumacher. She and her partner Stefan Schneider established their training facility Rothenkircherhof in Kirchheimbolanden, Germany in 1999 and have trained horses from youngsters to Grand Prix level ever since.
In 2004, Uta competed at the German Championships of professional dressage riders and won the bronze medal behind well known German team riders Hubertus Schmidt and Rudolf Zeilinger. She continues to train horses through the levels working toward her next champion.
Number of Pages: 200

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