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Training and Riding with Cones and Poles (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

Training and Riding with Cones and Poles (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

ISBN: 9781570767210 / 9781908809360

Author: Sigrid Schöpe

Format: Spiral Bound

Price: AUD $31.95
RRP: AUD $41.95

Training your horse to concentrate on a lesson, bend his body from nose to tail, and pay attention to where he places his feet—whatever your discipline or level of expertise, these are necessary foundation skills.

Here you will find an incredibly handy guide to introducing and solidifying these concepts, as well as many others, with exercises using two very basic training tools: traffic cones and ground poles. Arranged in an easy-to-view format so you can work through the exercises progressively, or dip in and try ideas “à la carte,” these pages provide all you need to reinvigorate arena workouts and keep both you and your horse engaged in the training process.

In addition, you’ll discover that incorporating cones and poles in your daily lessons not only provides visual interest and physical guidelines for your horse as he moves around the ring, it also gives you a means of developing accuracy in your schooling figures and transitions. With these exercises, your horse’s movement and response to your aids will certainly improve, but so will your overall riding performance.

Book Title: Training and Riding with Cones and Poles (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
ISBN: 9781570767210 / 9781908809360
Author: Sigrid Schöpe
Publisher: Trafalgar Square / J.A. Allen
Format: Spiral Bound
Author Notes: Sigrid Schöpe has been riding for 40 years and has focused intensely on natural horsemanship, groundwork, and trick training. She teaches lessons and clinics in Germany and elsewhere. Schöpe is very close to her two horses, Shir Khan and Romeo: Shir Khan is a very sensitive Russian Arab who can do many tricks and Romeo, a Weser-Ems German Riding Pony, is a very talented horse under saddle. He learns quickly and likes to always be busy.
Number of Pages: 96
Condition: New

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