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The Principles of Riding *In Stock*

The Principles of Riding *In Stock*

ISBN: 9781910016121

Author: German National Equestrian Federation

Publisher: Kenilworth Press

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $37.50
RRP: AUD $49.95

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The first edition of The Principles of Riding was published more than 50 years ago, imparting mandatory basic knowledge for all areas of equestrian sport and horse-keeping and this 28th edition, Basic Training for Horse and Rider, has been completely revised regarding language and content, while still taking into account the well-established principles. The consideration of traditional principles leads to the education and training of the horse according to its nature and thus to its health, well-being and performance capability. The horse's instincts and natural behaviour are presented in detail as the basis of communication and understanding between horse and rider. Modern scientific research relating to training theory and biomechanics has influenced the systematic training of the rider as well as that of the horse. The Principles of Riding provides versatile, practical assistance to horse lovers and readers of this book who want to learn, irrespective of whether they ride for leisure or competitively, are interested in hacking or hunting, or want to develop and improve their basic training for dressage, show-jumping or eventing. These Principles should be indispensable for all riders, drivers, trainers and judges, and to all of those who are interested in the appropriate training of the horse, according to the horse's nature, and who place importance on a harmonious cooperation between horse and rider.



Book Title: The Principles of Riding *In Stock*
ISBN: 9781910016121
Author: German National Equestrian Federation
Publisher: Kenilworth Press
Format: Paperback
Author Notes: The German National Equestrian Federation, located in Warendorf, is one of the largest national equestrian federations in the world. Foundations were laid in 1905 as an association of breeders and riders with the goal to promote German bred horses. It now covers sports, breeding and personal members.
Number of Pages: 192
Condition: New

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