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Better Jumping *In Stock* (low)

Better Jumping *In Stock* (low)

ISBN: 9780851319490

Author: Carol Mailer

Publisher: J.A.Allen

Format: Hardcover

Price: AUD $39.95
However competent or experience you are you will always want to improve to jump better. From being a complete beginner to competing at the highest level there is always more to be done and grid work is they key the building blocks of a winning partnership. Packed with exercises for finessing your technique and solutions to classic jumping difficulties Better Jumping is a wonderfully practical and inspiring book that will set you on the path to success whatever your level.
Book Title: Better Jumping *In Stock* (low)
ISBN: 9780851319490
Author: Carol Mailer
Publisher: J.A.Allen
Format: Hardcover
Author Notes: Carol Mailer began riding at 8-years-old and always wanted to jump. She was fortunate to be trained by the late Margaret Clarke who introduced her to grid work. Margaret Millward continued the progress, and with such a sound basic understanding from both experts, Carol devised and developed her own methods which she shares with you in Better Jumping. She is a regular contributor on jumping and grid work to Your Horse magazine, and is one of the experts in the Q & A features. She has successfully trained riders and horses of all standards for the last 30 years, from complete beginners to Advanced Eventers and HOYS winners. She still occasionally competes, and wins, on her beloved Jolson.
Number of Pages: 240
Condition: New

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