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About Horses of Course and Horse Humans Too *Limited Availability*

About Horses of Course and Horse Humans Too *Limited Availability*

ISBN: 9781921496202

Author: Alistair Brooks

Publisher: Bas Publishing

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $19.95
RRP: AUD $24.95

The world can be divided between Horse Humans and the rest, just as it can be divided, for example, between those who love cricket and the rest of humanity who have not the remotest interest in the game. Yet there is so much within the pages of this book that is of general interest - controversial, practical, historical, philosophical, and otherwise more esoteric - it would be presumptuous not to assume that at least a modicum of those who have nothing at all to do with horses might find it an utterly intriguing read; even lovers of cricket!

Certainly, Horse Humans will discover it has not only deeply thought provoking appeal but, in many parts, is extraordinarily revealing of facts about horses and the Horse/Human relationship that they may never have considered or known. For without the horse, human history would have been so completely different as to be totally unrecognisable in any of the ways in which we now understand it to have occurred.

In this his second book, Alistair Brooks weaves an intricately rich and colourful tapestry, which embraces horses from their beginnings in North America fifty-five million years ago down to the present day where, in their multi-various breeds, they can be found living on all the inhabitable parts of our planet. He does this entirely from one horse's point of view. Sun Dancer is a venerable Sage Horse, as well as an Equine School Master. He is both wise and knowledgeable. But he is modest too and yet, possibly for the first time ever, he is a horse who has the means to share, in the pages of a book, his vast knowledge and wisdom, along with the hugely ancient trace memories of his kind.

Book Title: About Horses of Course and Horse Humans Too *Limited Availability*
ISBN: 9781921496202
Author: Alistair Brooks
Publisher: Bas Publishing
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 242
Condition: New

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